Alternative to Postman: Insomnia

I gradually dissatisfied with Postman recently for many reasons, then I found a open source alternative — Insomnia.

It’s quite simple to start using Insomnia if you have used Postman before. You can create workspaces, folders of request, environment variables just as what you can do in Postman. Besides, you can also parse response by JSONPath, which is not supported in Postman.

Furthermore, Insomnia offers options of pay to support file sync and remove the restriction of the free version. I explored the possibility of DIY file sync, and have a crude idea: implement by Dropbox.

First, move the Insomia data to the Dropbox folder, then set soft link.

ln -s ~/Dropbox/Insomnia_bakup ~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook/Insomnia
#Windows powershell
mklink %appdata%\Insomnia C:\Users\xxx\Dropbox\Insomnia_bakup

However, there are still issues in this case. When Insomnia is open on multi device, they both read and write the same file in Dropbox directory, there’ll be conflict. Dropbox would keep both version in the directory. I haven’t figure out a better way fixing this issues.



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