For the binary classification, \(y\in {0,1 }\)(Also maybe, \(y\in { 0,1,2,3,\cdots}\), that’s called a multiclass classification problem, we will discuss it later.).
So, we use a model called Logisitic Regression, and we can see the hypothesis \(h_{\theta}(x)\) should value in the range of 0 and 1. This is to say, \(0\leq h_{\theta}(x)\leq 1\).
Hypothesis Representation
Logistic Regression: \(h_{\theta}(x)=g(\theta^{T}x)\), \(g(z)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-z}}\)
Interpretation of Hypothesis Output. The value of \(h_{\theta}(x)\) equals to the estimated probability that y=1 (on input x, parameterized by \(\theta\) ). This is to say, \(h_{\theta}(x)=P(y=2\mid x ; \theta)\)
Decision Boundary
The decision boundaries are like this:
Emphasis: Decision boundary is the property of hypothesis function, but not the property of training set and its parameters.
Logistic Regression—How to fit the parameters of theta
Cost Function of Logistic Regression:
\(Cost(h_{\theta}, y)=-ylog(h_{\theta}(x))-(1-y)log(1-h_{\theta}(x))\) -
Gradient Descent:
To minimize \(J_{\theta}\)
And we can see that this algortithm looks identical to linear regression!
But actually, the hypothesis of them are different.
Linear Regression: \(h_{\theta}(x)=\theta^{T}x\)
Logistic Regression: \(h_{\theta}(x)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-\theta^{T}x}}\)
“…use a vector rise implementation, so that a vector rise implementation can update all of these until parameters all in one fell swoop.”
Advanced Optimization
- Gradient Descent
- Conjngate Gradient
- ……
Adcantages: No need to manually pick \(\alpha\) ; Often faster than gradient descent;
Disadvantages: More complex;
Multi-class classification: One-vs-all
- For example, to slove the three-class problem, we can “turn this into three seperate two-class classification problems.”
- On a new input \(x\), to make a prediction, pick the class i that maximizes.